Bridging Technology, Science and Industry
Antarctica is an exciting frontier with many environmental, biological, and geological discoveries yet to be made; it is also a technological frontier as it is the only remaining continent without submarine fiber optic communications, relying on low-bandwidth satellite for information transmission.
The addition of a new SMART cable system could open a world of scientific discovery and international engagement.
GBS is pleased to support the U.S. National Science Foundation's objective to explore the feasiblity of a SMART cable system to McMurdo Research Station to further research and communications for the U.S. Antarctic program.
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Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures
Final Desktop Study Report
Comprehensive Desktop Study
Redacted Appendices
Desktop Study Preparation Team
National Science Foundation Contact Information
More Information
Introduction & Executive Summary
NSF Introduction; 2021 Antarctic Workshop Summary
Science Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications Cables
Executive Summary