NSF-GBS Public Release Antarctica Desktop Study

Bridging Technology, Science and Industry Antarctica is an exciting frontier with many environmental, biological, and geological discoveries yet to be made; it is also a technological frontier as it is the only remaining continent without submarine fiber optic communications, relying on low-bandwidth satellite for information transmission. The addition of a new SMART cable system could open a world of scientific discovery and international engagement. GBS is pleased to support the U.S. National Science Foundation's objective to explore the feasiblity of a SMART cable system to McMurdo Research Station to further research and communications for the U.S. Antarctic program.

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The National Science Foundation

McMurdo Station is the largest U.S. Antarctic Program research station. It is

managed by the NSF’s Office of Polar Programs and serves as the logistical entry and staging

point for the bulk of U.S. activity in Antarctica.

McMurdo Station provides the essential logistical hub for U.S. science research in Antarctica.

Essentially a self-contained small town with a population that can reach 1,000, it represents

the largest single human outpost in Antarctica, yet shares a single Internet network service

that ranks its speed 68th out of 184 countries for median household speed.

As a result, the NSF’s Office of Polar Programs and the NSF Office of Advanced

Cyberinfrastructure are exploring the feasibility of a Science Monitoring and Reliable

Telecommunications (SMART) Submarine Fiber Optic Cable system connecting McMurdo

Station with the global Research and Education Network Infrastructure via Australia or

New Zealand.

This Desktop Study examines a preliminary cable route, potential landings, optimal technical

design, and the installation and maintenance options for this innovative cable connection.

~Patrick Smith, 2023

Office of Polar Programs, External Communications, National Science Foundation

3415 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite W7100, Alexandria, VA 22314 Email: oppcomms@nsf.gov

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