NSF-GBS Public Release Antarctica Desktop Study

Bridging Technology, Science and Industry Antarctica is an exciting frontier with many environmental, biological, and geological discoveries yet to be made; it is also a technological frontier as it is the only remaining continent without submarine fiber optic communications, relying on low-bandwidth satellite for information transmission. The addition of a new SMART cable system could open a world of scientific discovery and international engagement. GBS is pleased to support the U.S. National Science Foundation's objective to explore the feasiblity of a SMART cable system to McMurdo Research Station to further research and communications for the U.S. Antarctic program.

10 | P a g e

Figure 0-1.

Tectonic plates across the

Antarctic region.

Science Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications

(SMART) Cables


An Antarctic SMART cable presents a unique

opportunity to capture largely undiscovered

information in the Southern Ocean.

A SMART cable is a submarine fiber optic

cable that is equipped with specially

designed sensors which collect information

including seismic data, ocean temperature,










earthquake early warning efforts, as well as

provide valuable insight for marine research,

climate change, and sea level rise. The NSF

OPP, the Antarctic science community, and

academic researchers are collaborating with

commercial SFOC suppliers to shape and

further exciting SMART cable developments.

For more information

on the development

of SMART cable

technology, see

Section 18.0,

Scientific Sensors.

Figure 0-2.

Illustration of a repeater housing showing two

possible sensor mounting locations ((a) on the end of repeater

housing under the bell housing or (b) in an external pod.

Accelerometers are mounted inside the pressure housing (c)).

(SNAM, 2023)

(Yarr65, 2023)

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